Grace T. Kim has been working in acupuncture clinics for over 20 years. She started as an apprentice at her father's clinic and has become a successful practitioner in her own practice. Although Grace T. Kim still accepts acupuncture clients, she is focusing more energy on teaching the advanced skills of the Balance Method to help other acupuncturists achieve faster and more consistent results.

AcuWiz Acupuncture Balance Method Online Course
Balance Method (Dr. Tan, Master Tung, I-Qing Techniques)
Zhu's Scalp Acupuncture
Ear Acupuncture
My Simple Technique for Faster Results
Extra Professional Tips
Free Printable Workbooks
Learn advanced skills that create faster and more consistent acupuncture results not only for complicated pain cases, but also systemic diseases. Includes the Balance Method (Dr. Tan), Zhu Scalp Acupuncture, Ear Acupuncture and Master Tung Acupuncture, and my own secret technique.
Prerequisite: Must be a licensed acupuncturist
Your acupuncture practice will never be the same!
Don't take my word for it.
Watch Yvonn's AcuWiz® Course Testimonial...

AcuWiz Acupuncture Online Coaching
Professional Acupuncturists who wish to improve their healing or business performance can now sign up for professional coaching from Grace T. Kim. She will challenge your understanding of acupuncture and ask you powerful questions to help you reach better success both in the treatment room and business.
This coaching service is not to teach the foundations of acupuncture skills nor is this to teach the Balance Method but rather it is to help trouble shoot your difficult acupuncture cases or business strategies.
Pre-requisite: completed any kind of Balance Method course, must be a licensed acupuncturist
200usd/ session (up to 60 minutes)
Book an AcuWiz Coaching Session with Grace.