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Ainsley is a Thetahealing Practitioner
through Grace's Workshop.
"Grace Kim is a remarkable healer."
Grace Kim is a remarkable healer. As a client of hers I was able to manage my weight, begin to heal from my relationship with my mother and establish a deeper connection to a higher guide and inner self. As a Thetahealing practitioner trained by her I have awakened to my own gift of healing, as well as intuitive and manifesting capabilities which have helped me build my business and continue to do what I love for a living. She is gifted and a true gift to me on my journey. If you're looking to break through emotional, physical and psychological barriers that keep you from living life healthily with passion, call Grace.
Ainsley Magno,

Clarissa is a Thetahealing Practitioner
through Grace's Workshop.
"I am able to find peace, tranquility and balance
in all aspects of my life"
"Summer of 2010 I got into a serious fatal accident and after seeking physiotherapy I was told I will not be 100%, and I'm not sure other people will empathise with me. I had experienced many sleepless nights due to constant pain and suffering. It took a toll on my body and started to put strain on my health and family. I've always had a reputation of being patient and easy-going. As a result of the accident, my personality had changed. With the help of Grace and Thetahealing, I was able to gain control of my physical and mental well-being. Today I am able to find peace, tranquility and balance in all aspects of my life. Thetahealing® is a modality for everyone to experience happiness, inner peace and spiritual divinity." Clarissa Kim,
"How amazing to think that 3 days ago I could barely walk."
I am CEO of Elliquence LLC medical device company that manufactures minimally invasive spine surgery devices. I must say that (I) am pleasantly happy to say that with 3 treatments from Grace I was able to go out for New Years and dance the night away at the disco... How amazing to think that three days ago I could barely walk..." Allan Ellman, Elliquence LLC
"I no longer have restless legs."
I had a very stressful year. I was a mess! Grace gave me several sessions. With her skill, knowledge and patience she has transformed me. I no longer have restless legs. I feel great. I feel relaxed. I have more energy and I feel able to face whatever life throws at me with the feeling that I can and will cope well. This is all due to the healing powers of the wonderful Grace Kim. Linda White
"I felt so much better"
"I developed a terrible ache in my shoulder. By the next day, it seemed to be getting worse. Once I could not raise my arm, I was desperate This is when I decided to consult with Grace...Well, believe it or not, after 1 treatment, I felt so much better. The ache was gone & a few days later I was able to raise my arm all the way. I now believe in this method." Ronnie K.
"the difference is like night and day"
A few years ago, I started having pain and stiffness on my knees. I have been walking every day for the last fifteen years and now it has become a hardship, and walking has a lost all of its pleasure. I looked at it as a past of the ageing process... I have now had my fourth session and the difference is like night and day. The pain and siffness has gone as I'm walking straight and faster. I would recommend this procedure to anyone!"
Malcom. S. Kelly
"I felt light and liberated and infused with energy"
"Grace has an amazing talent for zoning in on what you are feeling, what is blocking you and she knows how to connect you to your highest potential. I have had two sessions and both have fought clarity and cleaning of things I knew deep down were holding me back. After the session I del light and liberated and infused with energy" Ted S.
"It's such a different, open and out of this world feeling"
I had an amazing session with Grace, my first theta healing session and its just such a different, open and out of this world feeling, and now I'm more curious than ever! I feel new, refreshed and unfettered. So so light. Thank you, so so much!
"cleared blockages I did not realise was there"
This was my first experience with Thetahealing and it struck a chord on a very deep level. Grace's amazing energy an flight ahas cleared blockages I did not realise was there but once cleared I feel an immense lightness. Thank you. Yin Phua
"I feel worth(y) to be love(d)"
Grace was amazing. Long to short story. I have anger, shame, worthless, sad feeling inside of me. After had short session how she brought my energy and stay grounded. It made me feel relax(ed), confident and comfort(able). That's ok to say no, it's ok to ask for help. It's ok no feeling in charge of every single things. To believe in me of my capable that I feel worth to be love, be what I can & can't do. Thank u. It's short time but it's worth (it). Dwi S.
"Grace was spot on"
Didn't know what to expect, just followed the instruction and Grace was spot on with the current morale that I'm facing. Her guidance led me to believe that I can trust my own intuition and do not let past occurrence affect me. At the end of the session, I actually felt a great sense of relief or maybe is a load off me. THANK YOU! - Lou
"she hit the nail when it came to an emotional blockage"
Beautiful experience. I felt the healing energy right away. Grace's reading of my energy is accurate and I felt she hit the nail when it came to an emotional blockage that I didn't even know was there. I felt lighter & brighter & less tired after that mini session. - Michele
"great session, to the point, easy, clear, concise"
Had a great session, to the point, easy, clear, concise. Walked away feeling light and clear so something has shifted. Am keen to see the manifestation of this change. - Andrea
"I feel lighter and more empowered"
Grace was very helpful in getting to underlying beliefs that have been keeping me stuck in a "holding pattern". Thank you for helping me activate changes in my whole being and showing me that fear is not necessary. I feel lighter and more empowered. Celine
"something that I never expected was holding me back"
Thanks Grace for enlightening me and helping me clear my blockages! Something that I never expected that was holding me back! Keep in touch! - Samantha
"Grace gave me such a great experience"
I was skeptical but tried it anyway. I was glad I did. Muscle testing is amazing. Grace gave me such a great experience. I felt safe opening up to her. Great 1st experience. - Mona
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